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Fiamma F45S Awning for VW T5/T6 Special Versions

Fiamma F45S Awning for VW T5/T6 Special Versions
Kit included with Transporter awnings fits to Multivan Roof Rail Kit included with California awnings fits to California rail and roof Fiamma F45S awnings with installation kit for VW T5 and T6 vans Deep Black awning case colour Titanium grey awning case colour A range of OPTIONAL rooms and awning panels available Choice of Deluxe Grey or Royal Grey canopy colours Double the living area of your van Essential kit for any active lifestyle Rear Door VW T5 and Privacy Room 260 VWT5 Van
SKU: 06280E01R
Global Trade Item Number 8004815282349, 8004815282325, 8004815299767
Manufacturers Part Number 06291D01T, 06290E01T, 06291R01T
Our price: £599.99 Including VAT @ 20%
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Special package of Fiamma F45S awning sold complete with the correct installation kit for particular model versions of VW T5 and T6 vans.

Fiamma F45 VW awnings are available in a choice of Deep Black or Titanium Grey case colours with automotive external paint quality. Versions of this awning package are available to suit both SWB and LWB Multivan (Transporter with Multivan C-rail) and California and all awnings suit both T5 and T6 generations of vehicle.

VW Transporter Awning Selection Note

The F45 awnings on this page are packaged with fitting kit for particular versions of the VW Transporter T5 and T6 van. They are supplied complete with fitting kits specific to each version of the Transporter based van. They are not for all versions of Transporter and you need to get the right version for your van.

Read the information below to see which limited versions of T5/T6 these packaged awnings will fit. If your T5 or T6 van IS NOT one of the limited model covered below, it is likely that you can fit a standard Fiamma F45S awning using one of the VW T5/T6 installation Kits available separately.

Compatibility & Versions

The awnings on this page are packaged with installation kits to suit 2 very specific styles of VW T5/T6 roof. Read the information below to see which versions of T5/T6 van the awnings on this page are suitable for.

VW T5/T6 Multivan Rail

If your T5 Transporter has the VW Multivan Roof Rail Prep Kit (Black rail in image on the right) select the Transporter awnings from the selection box above.

The awning is supplied complete with fitting kit which anchors to the channel in the VW C-rail. Select Short- or Long-Wheel-Base version to suit your, and your choise of Deep Black or Titanium case colours.

If you don't have the VW Multirail but want it, you will need to contact your local Volkswagon dealer with item code "7H1860181AQZU" to order the optional Transporter Roof Rail.

VW T5/T6 California

If you have the official California roof AND the California awning rail select the California awnings from the selection box above. California awnings fit to the Right Hand side of the van. There is not a version of the California awning to fit to the Left Hand side.

The California awning is supplied with a fitting kit which anchors to the accessory bolt points on the California roof and the awning is available in Deep Black or Titanium grey case colours.

All other VW Transporter Versions

If you do not have either of the roof styles shown on this page, it is likely that you can fit a standard Fiamma F45S awning with one of the optional VW fitting kits available separately. To work out what options are available for your vehicle, please see our full guide to Fiamma awnings for T5 and T6 Transporter or give us a call on 0161-902-3025 for advice.

Fiamma F45S awning Video

Video shows Fiamma F45L model but operation and features shown are the same for F45S.

Fiamma F45S awning features

Fiamma F45S Canopy Fabric

The Fiamma F45S canopy fabric is multi-layered, washable, ultra-resistant, flame retardant and is patterned on both sides. The light reflective properties of the canopy keep it cool in warmer climates and make it resistant to fading caused by UV sunlight. The seemless construction of the canopy increases performance and gives it greater resistance to tears caused by sudden winds. Packing away the Fiamma F45S awning when wet is no problem, as the canopy is rot-proof (air out as soon as possible). The F45S canopy is finished in attractive Deluxe Grey or Royal Grey.

Auto Lock & Dual Security

The only awning with silent opening thanks to Auto-Lock self-locking winch safety system. With exclusive long life Aluminium mechanical parts, it offers a quality product vastly superior to other comparable noisy hook and release mechanisms from other brands.

The Dual Security system has indicators at both ends of the awning case to clearly show that the awning is correctly and securely closed before travelling.

Presto Fix

The Fiamma awning is the only awning with patented adjusting system that enables you to adjust the closing of the front bar. Over a period of time the tension in the canopy fabric or awning arms may change. Presto Fix allows you to realign the closing of the front bar ensuring a long awning life.

One Way Roll

Some awning brands allow you to roll the canvas the wrong way around the roller tube leading to the awning not closing properly. You have to unwind and then rewind your awning correctly. The Fiamma awning mechanism prevents the canvas from ever retracting the wrong side of the roller tube so you awning always closes properly.

Shock Absorber

Dual shock absorber protects both the awning and your vehicle by absorbing vibration and wind impact preventing the force being transferred to the awning case or vehicle wall.

Extra Strong Arms

Highly resistant reinforced articulated arms with strong 3.5mm wire cables. Arms are proof tested for more than 10,000 cycles of opening and closing the awning. How many times will you use yours?

Double Lead Bar Guide

Fiamma F45 S awning is equipped with double guide on the lead bar to allow fitting of front panels, shades and a range of useful accessories.

Secure Lock and Wall Mount Option

Telescopic awning legs lock securely and allow easy adjustment of lead bar height and angle to accommodate rain run off. You also have a wall mount option for the awning legs which can be used on most motorhomes and campervans.

Fiamma F45S Awning Specification

The Polar White case version of the F45S awning is available in lengths from 1.9m to 4.5m with different extensions depending on the awning length.

DescriptionCase LengthFabric LengthAwning ExtensionShade AreaWeight
F45S 260263cm247cm200cm4.94m219.5 kg
F45S 300308cm292cm200cm5.84m222 kg

Fiamma F45S VW T5 Awning Standard Kit

Presto Fix - Reinforced arms with twin cable - Dual Shock Absorber - Auto-Lock - Dual Security - Folding Crank handle - vehicle specific fitting kit - Hooks to secure legs to the ground - Wall brackets for leg support to the motorhome.

F45S Awning Optional Equipment

Structural support and Reinforcement

For additional structural support you can choose from a range of Fiamma Rafters, MagicRafters, Tie Down straps and pegs and plates kits available on our Motorhome Awning Accessory page

Awning panels and enclosures

A range of optional panels and rooms are available for most awning lengths

Accessories and upgrades

Fiamma F45 awning can be improved with handy awning hangers, Rain Guards and Drip Stop, integrated LED Lighting and a Motor Kit.


Click to download Fiamma F45 S Titanium 260 VW T5 Fitting Instructions

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