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Difference Fiamma F45 and F45 S?

Difference between the Fiamma F45 and F45 S

We often get asked, “what’s the difference between the Fiamma F45 and F45 S?” The simple answer is, nothing.

The F45 is Fiamma’s wall mounted wind-out awning. The F45 S is just the latest version of the F45. Longer lengths of F45 awning with a larger case and structure are called F45 L.

So if you’re buying a new awning you’ll be buying an F45S or F45 L depending on the length you want.

Identify your F45 Awning

If you already have an awning and are looking for accessories or spare parts read on.

There have been many other versions of F45 awning manufactured over the last few decades with slightly different names as shown below.

  • Automatic–box
  • F45 Classic
  • F45 DELUXE
  • F50 PRO
  • F55 PRO
  • F45 PLUS
  • F45 PLUS L
  • F45i
  • F45il
  • F1
  • F1 L
  • F45Ti
  • F45Ti L
  • F45S
  • F45L

Fiamma F45 Accessories

In terms of accessories, a lot of accessories such as rafters, Tie Down kits, awning walls and Privacy Rooms labelled as for an F45 awning will fit older models, although you may need an additional adapter. And you should make sure to check if your specific model is not mentioned in the product description.

F45 fitting kits work for any age of Fiamma F45 awning.

Fiamma F45 Spare Parts

In terms of spare parts you MUST get the correct spare parts for your model. Although they might look similar the parts for an F45 S will not fit an F45L. And parts for an F45L will not fit an F45 iL. So it’s very important that you identify your awning model before ordering parts.

To identify your awning model you can use the Fiamma identity sticker on the awning. For any Fiamma wind-out awning made within the last 20 years you can find the identity sticker on one of the roof support arms as shown on the image below.

Once you’ve identified your awning model you can then find the matching Fiamma awning parts diagram and work out the parts you need to order.

For anything older than 20 years, the identity sticker may still be on the arm but will look different as shown below. There should be ticks or marks in the appropriate box to show which awning you have but often these marks have faded and disappeared. And on some very old awnings the identity sticker might be elsewhere in the awning case or there might not be an identity sticker at all.

If you can’t find your awning’s identity sticker or the marks aren’t visible, we then have to play detective to work out what awning model you’ve got. If you need parts for an older Fiamma awning which you can’t identify, please email sales@agentfiamma.co.uk including some pictures of your awning. The best images to send to help us work out what awning you have are;

  • the awning end caps,
  • the tops of the legs where they fit to the awning lead bar, and,
  • the point where the roof support arms fit to the main awning case

Send us these pictures along with a measurement of the total awning length and the awning case height and we should be able to work out what model you have.

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